Scholars Worth Mentioning
Al-Hafiz Ibrahim Al-Harbi practiced tawassul by saying: “The grave of Ma’ruf Al-Karkhi is a proven cure” (Tārīkh Baghdād, 1/122).
Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Rabee’ Ibn Salim practiced tawassul through the grave of Muhammad Ibn Ubayd Allah Al-Hajari (Al-Takmila, 2/281; also cited by Al-Dhahabi in "Siyar A’lām Al-Nubalāʾ," 21/251-253).
Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Sheikh Al-Isfahani practiced tawassul by saying: “I complain to the Messenger of God (Peace Be Upon Him) about hunger” (Siyar A’lām Al-Nubalāʾ, 16/400).
Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Tayyib Al-Makki Al-Fasi practiced tawassul by saying: “By Muhammad, the leader of the messengers” (Dhayl Al-Taqyeed, 1/69).
Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Mahasin Ibn Hamza Al-Husseini Al-Dimashqi practiced tawassul by saying: “By the honor of the Chosen One (Prophet Muhammad)” (Dhayl Tadhkirat Al-Huffaz, 1/315).
Al-Hafiz Abu Zur’a Al-Razi said to Ali Al-Rida: “Tell us, by the right of your forefathers” (as mentioned earlier in the book).
Al-Hafiz Abu Abdullah Al-Saffar Al-Isfara’ini: Al-Hakim narrated that many righteous individuals practiced tawassul through him (mentioned earlier in the book).
Al-Muhaddith Abu Ali Al-Khallal said: “I went to the grave of Musa Ibn Ja’far and sought intercession through him” (Tārīkh Baghdād, 1/120).
Al-Hafiz Abu Zur’a Al-Iraqi came to the Prophet’s grave and said: “I am hungry” (Al-Muntazim by Ibn Al-Jawzi, 9/74-75).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Abi Al-Dunya practiced tawassul by saying: “By the right of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)” (Qurā Al-Dayf, 5/225).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Aslam Al-Tusi said to Ali Al-Rida: “Tell us, by the right of your forefathers” (mentioned earlier in the book).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Abar practiced tawassul by saying: “O intercessor for mankind, intercede for them before their Creator” (Al-Hilla Al-Siyarāʾ, 2/284).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Jazari permitted tawassul in his book "‘Uddat Al-Hasin" (section on the etiquettes of prayer).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Jawzi practiced tawassul by saying: “By the right of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)” (Zād Al-Masīr, 4/253).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Qaysarani practiced tawassul by saying: “Seek intercession with him to God” (Tadhkirat Al-Huffaz, 4/1371).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Al-Muqri’ Al-Isfahani: Practiced tawassul at the grave, and complained to the Prophet about hunger (Siyar A’lām Al-Nubalāʾ, 16/400).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hibban: Whenever a matter concerned him, he would go to the grave of Imam Ali Al-Rida, and his worries would be relieved. He said: “I have tried it many times” (Al-Thiqat, 8/457).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani spoke extensively about tawassul in "Fath Al-Bari" and other works.
Al-Hafiz Ibn Tulun referenced the speech of Al-Hafiz Al-‘Alā’i, the teacher of Ibn Al-Iraqi, regarding the issues where Ibn Taymiyyah deviated in both fundamentals and branches, including tawassul (Dhakhāʾir Al-Qasr – manuscript in the Teymuriyya Library in Cairo).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Asakir: In his book "Al-Arbaʿin," he wrote: “O Muhammad, I turn to my Lord through you.” He also mentioned in the virtues of Ja’far Al-Sadiq: “Seeking intercession through the Prophet” and said about one of the pious individuals that his grave is a source of blessing (Tārīkh Dimashq, 6/443).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Fadl asked Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi about the issues where Ibn Taymiyyah deviated regarding tawassul and visitation. (Kitab Al-Ajwiba Al-Mardiyya).
Al-Hafiz Ibn Kathir practiced tawassul by saying: “By Muhammad and his family” (Al-Bidāya wa Al-Nihāya, 13/192).
Imam Ahmad: In his book on Hajj, which he wrote for Al-Marwadhi, he mentioned that he practiced tawassul through the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in his supplications. Even Ibn Taymiyyah narrated this.
Al-Hafiz Al-Bayhaqi: Ibn Al-Jawzi narrated from him in "Al-Muntazim" (11/211) about the virtues of Ahmad Ibn Harb, “where the supplication was answered when the supplicant sought intercession through his grave.”
Al-Hafiz Al-Hakim: He narrated the veneration of Ibn Khuzaymah for the grave of Ali Al-Rida, and how his teachers sought intercession through the grave of Yahya Ibn Yahya (as mentioned earlier).
Al-Hafiz Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi practiced tawassul by saying: “By the right of Muhammad” (Al-Jami’ Li Akhlaq Al-Rawi, 2/261).
Al-Hafiz Al-Darimi: In the chapter on the honors God bestowed upon His Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) (Sunan Al-Darimi).
Al-Hafiz Al-Sakhawi practiced tawassul by saying: “Our intercessor and our support” (Fath Al-Mugith, 4/410).
Al-Hafiz Al-Salafi practiced tawassul in his book "Mu’jam Al-Safar."
Al-Hafiz Al-Suyuti practiced tawassul by saying: “By Muhammad and his family” (Al-Itqan, 2/502). His books are full of tawassul.
Al-Hafiz Al-Tabarani: Practiced tawassul at the grave, and complained to the Prophet about hunger (Siyar A’lām Al-Nubalāʾ, 16/400). He also authenticated the hadith about tawassul after the Prophet’s passing.
Al-Hafiz Al-Aljuni practiced tawassul by saying: “By the best of Your creation, I always seek intercession” (Kashf Al-Khafa, 2/55).
Al-Hafiz Al-‘Alā’i: Authored a book refuting Ibn Taymiyyah on tawassul and visitation.
Al-Hafiz Al-Qudha’i practiced tawassul by saying: “Seek intercession with him to God” (Al-Takmila, 2/281).
Al-Muhaddith Al-Kalabadhi practiced tawassul by saying: “I seek intercession through Your Prophet” (Al-Ta’arruf Li Madhhab Ahl Al-Tasawwuf, 1/21).
Al-Hafiz Al-Kala’i authored the book "Misbah Al-Zalam Fi Dhikr Shuhada’ Al-Shām," in which he mentioned his tawassul (3/98).
Al-Hafiz Al-Subki wrote a book on the permissibility of tawassul and visitation, refuting Ibn Taymiyyah.
Al-Hafiz Al-Zarqani wrote a book on tawassul.
Al-Hafiz Badr Al-Din Al-‘Ayni practiced tawassul by saying: “By the honor of the Prophet” (Al-Badr Al-Tamam, 1/514).
Al-Hafiz Burhan Al-Din Al-Halabi: Practiced tawassul (Al-Hulal Al-Sundusiyya Fi Akhbar Al-Madīna Al-Qudsiyya).
Al-ʿImrānī (749 AH): "Asking the righteous for intercession is an established custom among believers."
Al-Ghazālī (505 AH): "Tawassul is a means to attain God’s mercy and forgiveness."
Al-Hafiz Burhan Al-Din Al-Halabi (1044 AH): "Tawassul is a practice supported by the righteous scholars throughout history."
Al-Laqqānī (1041 AH): "It is established that seeking the intercession of the Prophet is a means of attaining God’s favor."
Al-Māwardī (450 AH): "Intercession through the righteous is supported by the Qur'an and hadith."
Al-Munāwī (1031 AH): "Seeking intercession from the Prophet is a means of approaching God."
Al-Rūyānī (747 AH): "The practice of tawassul is a sign of love and reverence for the Prophet."
Ibn ʿĀbidīn (1252 AH): "Tawassul is permissible and aligns with the consensus of the scholars."
Ibn ʿAsākir (571 AH): "Tawassul through the Prophet (peace be upon him) is a well-established practice among Muslims."
Ibn al-Humām (861 AH): "Tawassul through the Prophets and the righteous is established based on various texts and historical practice."
Ibn al-Jawzī (597 AH): "The practice of tawassul is founded on the principle of asking the righteous to intercede for us."
Ibn al-Najjār (970 AH): "Tawassul through the righteous is a means of drawing closer to God."
Ibn Badrān (1346 AH): "Intercession is an act of seeking help from God through His beloved ones."
Najm al-Dīn al-Ghazzī (742 AH): "There is no harm in seeking intercession through the righteous."
Al-Ṣarṣarī (832 AH): "The scholars have agreed on the permissibility of tawassul and intercession."
Al-Sāmirī (1205 AH): "There is no doubt about the permissibility of seeking intercession through the righteous."
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