Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780–855 CE) was born in Baghdad. He was a renowned Islamic scholar and the founder of the Hanbali school of jurisprudence, one of the four major Sunni schools of law.
Supplicating to Other Than God
Seeking Guidance Through Servants of Allah Imam Ahmad narrated: "I performed five pilgrimages—two on foot and three riding, or three on foot and two riding. During one of the pilgrimages, I lost my way while traveling on foot. I began saying: ‘O servants of Allah, guide us to the path.’ I kept repeating this until I found the way." Source: Imām al-Bayhaqī in Shuʿab al-Īmān, Vol. 6, Page 128, Hadith No. 7697.
Tawassul (Intercession) Imām Ahmad allowed tawassul (intercession) through the Prophet ﷺ alone, as well as other Prophets and pious individuals. For example:
Imām Ahmad replied when asked about touching the Prophet’s minbar or grave for blessings:
“There is nothing wrong with it.”
Source: al-Ilalfīma
rifat al-rijāl (2:492) by `Abdullāh ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
Al-Marwadi narrated from Imām Ahmad: “Let him use the Prophet as a means in his supplication to Allah.” Source: Al-Mardawi in al-Insaf (3:456).
Using Imam ash-Shafiʿi as Intermediary Imām Ahmad was known to supplicate using Imam ash-Shafiʿi as an intermediary. When his son ʿAbdullāh expressed astonishment, Imām Ahmad replied: "Al-Shafiʿi is like the sun for humanity and like well-being to the body." Source: Imām Yūsuf al-Nabhānī, Shawāhid al-Ḥaqq fī al-Istighātha bi Sayyid al-Khalq, Page 166.
Hanbali Scholars on Tawassul and Istighātha
ʿAbd al-Bāqī al-Mawāhibī (d. 1071): Performed tawassul and istighātha in poetry, saying: “I seek your urgent help in removing our distress... And that our mistake be erased, O leader of Messengers!”
Ibn Badrān (d. 1346): Affirmed that seeking aid with the Prophet ﷺ leads to apparent victory.
Al-Sāmirī (d. 616): Recommends saying: “O Allāh, I turn to You through Your Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy. O Messenger, I turn to my Lord through you, seeking His forgiveness for my sins. O Allāh, I ask You by his right to forgive me.”
Al-Khalwatī (d. 1088): Encouraged visitors to say: “I have come to you, repenting from my sins, seeking your intercession with my Lord. Intercede for me, O interceder of the Ummah, and save me from Hellfire.”
Ibn al-Najjār (d. 972): Permitted tawassul with righteous individuals, as mentioned in Muntahā al-Irādāt.
Al-Buhūtī (d. 1051): Mentioned the narration of al-ʿUtbī about seeking intercession with the Prophet ﷺ as a “benefit” in the book of Ḥajj in his work Kashshāf al-Qināʿ.
Al-Saffārīnī (d. 1188): Allowed tawassul.
Al-Yūnīnī (d. 726): Praised the book about Istighāthah, Miṣbāḥ al-Ẓalām.
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